随着中国神经科学领域不断取得新突破,中国神经科学学会在中国科研拥有得天独厚的条件以及潜在优秀科研队伍不断壮大的前提下,希望将前沿交叉学科理念传播开来。此次,中国神经科学学会以“助力交叉学科发展,迎接神经美学挑战”为理念,举办第一届神经科学与艺术大赛。与此同时,中国神经科学学会与荷兰神经科学研究所携手,为参赛选手提供国际平台。荷兰皇家艺术与科学院(KNAW)荷兰神经科学研究所(NIN)自2011年开始举办神经科学艺术大赛(The Art of Neuroscience Competition),旨在传播大脑的复杂美感,促进神经科学和艺术交叉领域的不断发展。第一届神经科学艺术大赛以每年为一届,迄今已成功举办10届。2021年第十一届神经科学艺术大赛正在面向全球科学家和艺术家征集参赛作品。
征集办法(一):中国神经科学学会-第一届神经科学与艺术大赛 征集学科:脑科学,神经系统,心理哲学,认知和感知等相关学科; 作品形式:图片、视频、书法、绘画等多种艺术表现形式; 截止时间:2021年6月30日前 征集邮箱:office@cns.org.cn (需额外提供个人简历和作品介绍) 奖励规则:一等奖1名(2000元); 二等奖2名(1000元); 三等奖2名(500元); 获奖作品将在中国神经科学学会第十四届全国学术会议暨全国会员代表大会上展示,并作为我学会后续开展相关宣传工作的素材。 大会网站: https://www.cns.org.cn/2021/index.html; 征集办法(二):荷兰神经科学研究所-2021神经科学艺术大赛 征集学科:脑科学,神经系统,心理哲学,认知和感知等相关学科; 作品形式:装置艺术、绘画、数字媒体、描绘、电影、诗歌、交互艺术等多种表现形式; 截止时间:2021年5月19日前 征集网址:https://submit.aon.nin.nl (注册 >登录 > 上传) 奖励规则:优胜奖(Winner)1名; 优秀奖(Honorable Mentions)4名; 奖励办法:获奖者将分别获得1000欧元和250欧元的奖励; 历届获奖作品详情,请访问:https://aon.nin.nl/ 中国神经科学学会鼓励参赛选手同时采用两种办法投递作品!我学会鼓励更多优秀的科学兼艺术人才踊跃参与,不断扩大我国神经美学的队伍! 中国神经科学学会 2021年3月30日 Call for Submissions To spread the idea of combining neuroscience and art , thus promoting the intersection of art and neuroscience, Neuroscience and Art Competition stems from the perspective of the science of art and encourages more interesting, modernized and artistic way of scientific exploration. As neuroscientific breakthroughs continued to be made in China, Chinese neuroscientists are now enjoying particularly favourable conditions and Chinese neuroscience force is expanding by a growing number of potential talents. Chinese Neuroscience Society(CNS) would like to take this opportunity to spread the idea of neuroscience and art to a broader population and decide to host its first Neuroscience and Art Competition, with a task of facilitating interdisciplinary development . Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN), an institute part of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), began to hold the Art of Neuroscience Competition since 2011, with a goal to inspire people about the beauty and complexity of the brain and stimulate discussions at the intersection of art and neuroscience. Until now, NIN has successfully held ten competitions. In 2021, the Art of Neuroscience Competition has opened as scheduled, and is now calling for artworks submissions from scientists and artists worldwide. Therefore, there are two channels for contestants to submit artworks. Channel 1:CNS-The First Neuroscience and Art Competition Target group:People with an interest in the brain, nervous system, philosophy of mind, cognition and perception, etc. Deadline:June 30, 2021 Email for submissions:office@cns.org.cn (with CV and description of artworks attached) Awardees:One First Prize(2000 yuan); Two Second Prizes(1000 yuan); Three Third Prizes(500yuan); Winning entries will be exhibited at the 14th Annual Meeting of Chinese Neuroscience Society (CNS 2021) and will become publicity used for following propaganda. For CNS 2021,Pls. visit https://www.cns.org.cn/2021/index.html Channel 2:NIN-The Art of Neuroscience Competition Target group:People with an interest in the brain, nervous system, philosophy of mind, cognition and perception, etc. Deadline:Wednesday, May 19th 2021 Website for submissions:https://submit.aon.nin.nl (Register >Login > Upload) Awardees:One Winner; Four Honorable Mentions; Prize: Awardees will get 1000 € and 250 € respectively Learn more,Pls. visit:https://aon.nin.nl/ Thanks for your reading